Five-Year Consolidated Plan and 2021 Annual Action Plan :: Framingham, MA
CLIENT: City of Framingham, MA
TEAM: Fiona Coughlan, AICP, Community Planner
The City of Framingham retained Barrett Planning Group to develop a new Five-Year Consolidated Plan and One-Year Annual Action Plan in 2020 for the City’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocations.
Barrett Planning Group’s partnership with the City included plan development, community organizing and engagement, technical assistance, and project management. We prepared a comprehensive review of the City’s housing and community needs; a Strategic Plan with goals and objectives of CDBG-funded programs; and an Annual Action Plan that contains goals, activities, and outcomes for the upcoming year.
The data, summarized in the Consolidated Plan’s Needs Assessment and Housing Market Analysis, helped determine future projects and funding. The AAP, and each of the upcoming AAPs between 2021 and 2025, are rooted in the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and specifically within the Strategic Plan.
Like many CDBG Entitlement communities, Framingham faces several obstacles to providing affordable housing and funding social services, public facilities, and economic development programs. CDBG provides important resources to support the health and vitality of communities and neighborhoods. Meeting HUD planning, reporting, and grant management requirements is crucial to the continued receipt of CDBG funds. With assistance from City staff, Barrett Planning Group prepared plans to address the community’s urgent needs, promote funding for needed programs, and establish a clear path for Framingham to meet HUD’s expectations.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the City asked BPG to stay on in an expanded technical assistance role and continued that working relationship through the summer of 2021.
Barrett Planning Group LLC provides high-quality, customized planning and community development services for cities and towns and non-profit organizations throughout greater Massachusetts and New England. Barrett Planning Group is known for our creative approach to planning and problem-solving, our expertise as trainers and technical assistance providers, our attentiveness to clients, and our expertise in capacity building.
Our offices are located in Hingham, MA. Contact us to work together.