New Bedford Consolidated Plan & One Year Action Plan

Community Benefits Assessment Model for the City of Amesbury, MA

CLIENT: Town of New Bedford, MA

TEAM: Judi Barrett, Principal, Fiona Coughlan AICP, Community Planner

The Consolidated Plan is a requirement that states and cities receiving HUD block grants must meet every five years. The planning process encourages recipients to engage their communities in assessing community development and housing needs, housing market conditions, and neighborhood needs. They must decide how to use block grant resources and other funds to meet these needs.

The Consolidated Plan culminates in five-year goals and priorities for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program, and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program.

We help HUD grantees like New Bedford with the public participation process, data collection and analysis, developing the plan, and filing it with HUD for review and approval.

Barrett Planning Group LLC provides high-quality, customized planning and community development services for cities and towns and non-profit organizations throughout greater Massachusetts and New England. Barrett Planning Group is known for our creative approach to planning and problem-solving, our expertise as trainers and technical assistance providers, our attentiveness to clients, and our expertise in capacity building.

We advocate for healthy, sustainable communities that value education, diversity, and social equity.

Our offices are located in Hingham, MA. Contact us to work together.


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